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Taxes & Pet Licensing


Property tax statements are mailed to property owners in December. First payments are due to the Town Treasurer by January 31st.  Information on payments will be included in the statements. Second payments due the end of July can be paid to the Dodge County Treasurer.

If you are interested in learning more about property assessment read "Guide for Property Owners" published by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. 

To view or print your tax bills online visit http://list.co.dodge.wi.us/GCSWebPortal/Search.aspx.

Property Assessment

The Board of Review is usually held in May or June. If you have an objection to your assessment, please contact Jodi Paulson at 920-322-3414 or attend the Open Book Meeting held before the Board of Review. If after speaking with the Assessor you are still not satisfied, please contact  the Town Clerk for proper forms to file before making an objection at the Board of Review.

Dog Licenses

Dog licenses can be paid for with your property taxes. Please make out separate checks for taxes and dog licenses. Dog licenses will be issued only when a rabies vaccination certificate from the veterinarian is shown at time of payment. Any dog six months old and older should be vaccinated and licensed. Fees are $5.00 for neutered or spayed dogs and $10.00 for unneutered or unspayed dogs.

Contact Town Treasurer, Marcia Valle, at 920-948-8052 for more information. 

If your dog is lost or if you find a lost dog, please contact Randy Dittberner at 920-960-7236.