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Town Notices

Public Notices
Resolution #24-03 Authorization to Borrow Money – 8/26/2024
  • RESOLUTION #24-03
Public Notices
Change to September Town Board Meeting Date

Please take note that the September Lomira Town Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 7:00 pm instead of the usual third Wednesday of the month.

Public Notices
Notice to Control Noxious Weeds

Notice is hereby given to each and every person who owns, occupies, or controls land in the Town of Lomira, County of Dodge, State of Wisconsin to destroy all noxious weeds on such property before the weed plants bloom, bear seed or spread to adjoining property. Noxious weeds include the following: Canada thistle, leafy spurge and field bindweed (creeping Jenny) and any other weeds that have been declared noxious by the town board or county board by resolution or ordinance.

View entire notice by clicking on the title.

Public Notices
Resolution #24-02 Fee Schedule – 3/21/2024
  • RESOLUTION #24-02